Some examples of symptoms are caused when we run the wrong diet, namely:
1. Nausea, headache and bad breath odor
2. Easy Tired, Fatigue and Lack of Pumped
3. Frequent urinating and defecation
ad 1. Nausea, Headache and bad breath odor
When we run the diet by reducing carbohydrate sources such as bread, pasta and potatoes on a large scale, thereby reducing the intake of which is enough for our bodies, then we might have the disease ketosis. Ketosis itself is known as a medical disorder that is caused by the brain needs glucose is not fulfilled. As a result of fat in the body will not burn completely, which in the long run will lead to nausea, dizziness and gastrointestinal disorders that affect breath odor or halitosis.
ad 2. Easily Get Tired, Fatigue and Less Passionate

ad 3. Frequent Urinating and Defecate
Some herbal slimming and natural herbs are diuretics that tend to cause less frequent urination. They hope to frequent urination can throw more fat in the body. But what happens is that several important minerals that should be absorbed by the body even go wasted. Researchers also say that some natural ingredients can harm the heart because of this. What about diet pills? Similar to the above, slimming pills also trigger more frequent bowel movements, resulting in decreased body weight was apparent experience, because after all these slimming pills only drain the stomach contents and not making weight loss directly.
Beware of diet that may cause illness
We know the diet is to reduce the amount of food consumption in order to lose weight. Much thought to reduce food intake to the maximum, can accelerate weight loss drastically.
But the diet is actually set up a combination of food and beverages consumed daily by a healthy pattern. This means that the correct diet is to balance the amount of food consumed by the body's needs.
It is thus the same as not to lose weight then? Of course, to lose weight with a healthy total calories consumed should be lower than that needed by the body, thus the body will use stored energy reserves in the body which we call the fat. Fat itself is located under the skin and some are in the body. So, we can all understand that fat loss will also reduce weight.
Theory like this diet is understandable and very easy to run, but the actual application of the method of how this diet in order to successfully lose weight? And by reading diet as above, only the technique of reducing the fat that is consumed then we will get our ultimate goal: a reduction in body weight.
Actually reduce the element of macronutrient (carbohydrate or fat) can be consequential not good, because macronutrient required in large amounts by the body. Therefore, the reduction of one macronutrient intake must be adjusted daily.
We can start by reducing fat intake in our body if we are indeed high fat consumption. Thus the weight must come down. However, it should be observed that if we carbohydrate intake daily is adequate, but we reduce carbohydrate intake, the diet becomes unbalanced. This means that if a person's weight increase due to high carbohydrate intake, so a healthy diet is to reduce carbohydrate intake. And vice versa, if you are overweight because we are a high fat intake, the intake of fat should be reduced.
So if we are serious about losing weight, then we must first analyze our daily intake, then a new set diet. Because the first analysis, we will know the total calories we consume daily and can be tailored to the needs of our calories each, and then we set in accordance with the guidelines of daily eating habits.
Important to note that the application of the method improper diet can indeed lose weight, but the decline occurred prior agency beat due to the loss of body fluids or because of loss of muscle mass rather than fat mass. And the consequences could be fatal for our bodies.
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